This is article 5 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…
Islam and Belief in Prophets Belief in Prophets of Allah is unquestionably incumbent upon every follower of Islam. It goes…
What is shadda? What is shadda? shadda شَدَّة is a diacritical mark that is indicated by the mark ( ـّ ).…
What is Fasting in Islam? Fasting in Arabic is صَوْم or صِيَام. Linguistically, both words are verbal nouns of the…
Silent alif al-wasl Silent alif al-wasl أَلِفُ الْوَصْلِ is the conjunctive/connective alif that we do not pronounced in connected speech.…
This is article 4 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…
This is article 3 of easy news in Arabic. We have taken the original article from a top online version…
عِيْدُ الفِطْرِ Eid ul-Fitri When Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) entered Madinah, after migration from Mecca, he found the people of Madinah…
A picture is worth a thousand words. The picture below, Arabic gum sellers in Bab al-Yemen just outside Old Sana’a…
A picture is worth a thousand words. The picture below, a spice seller in souk al-Milh in Old Sana’a City,…