بَعْدَ اِنْتِظَارٍ طَوِيلٍ أَنْوَرُ إِبْرَاهِيمُ يُصْبِحُ رَئِيسَ وُزَرَاءَ مَالِيزِيَا

2 years ago

بَعْدَ اِنْتِظَارٍ طَوِيلٍ أَنْوَرُ إِبْرَاهِيمُ يُصْبِحُ رَئِيسَ وُزَرَاءَ مَالِيزِيَا يَوْمُ التَّاسْعِ عَشَرِ مِنْ نُوفَمْبَرَ الْحَالِي، حَدَثَتْ اِنْتِخَابَاتٌ فِي مَالِيزِيَا. فِي…

الْعُلْبَةُ الْمَسْحُوْرَةُ

2 years ago

الْعُلْبَةُ الْمَسْحُوْرَةُ This Arabic short story is for foreigners. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an…


2 years ago

عُمَارَةُ This Arabic short story is for foreigners. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an Egyptian…

لَيْلَــــةُ الْمَهْرَجَــــانِ

2 years ago

لَيْلَــــةُ الْمَهْرَجَــــانِ This Arabic short story is for foreigners. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an…

هَلْ أَكَلَتِ الْفِئْرَانُ الْحَدِيْدَ؟!

2 years ago

هَلْ أَكَلَتِ الْفِئْرَانُ الْحَدِيْدَ؟! This is an Arabic short story for foreigners. We took it from a book written by…

جُحَــــا وَالْبَخِيْــــلُ

2 years ago

جُحَــــا وَالْبَخِيْــــلُ This is an Arabic short story for foreigners. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany,…

نَاقُــــوسُ الْعَدَالَــــةِ

2 years ago

نَاقُــــوسُ الْعَدَالَــــةِ This is an Arabic short story for foreigners. We took it from a book written by Mohammed Al-Abrashi,…

الْوَلَدُ الْكَسُولُ

2 years ago

الْوَلَدُ الْكَسُولُ We took this Arabic short story from a book written by Mohammed Al-Abrashi. The original story was written…

الصَّيَّادُ الشُّجَاعُ

2 years ago

الصَّيــَّــادُ الشُّجَــــاعُ We took this Arabic short story from a book written by Mohammed Al-Abrashi. The original story was written…

المَبْعُوثُ الأَمَرِيْكِيُّ وَتَمْدِيدُ الْهُدْنَةِ فِي الْيَمَن

2 years ago

المَبْعُوثُ الأَمَرِيْكِيُّ وَتَمْدِيدُ الْهُدْنَةِ فِي الْيَمَن فِي الرِّيَاضِ، اِجْتَمَعَ الْمَبْعُوثُ الْأَمَرِيْكِيُّ إِلَى الْيَمَنِ، تِيمُوثِي لِينْدَرْكِينْغ، وَالسَّفِيرُ الأَمَرِيكِيُّ فِي الْيَمَنِ، سِتِيفِن…