Origins of Islamic Political Ideology

Following the death of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), there was never a discord about the essence of Islam. The pillars of Islam, the Quran, the matters of worship, and all other principles that guided and organized Muslims’ lives were all incontrovertible. Political conflicts, however, began to emerge. These differences were attributed to Arab partisanship and quarrel over who sho…

Yemeni Music: A Taste of It

Yemeni music is mostly oud-based. This post gives a taste of Yemeni and Arabic oud music. العُوْد ‘the oud’ is a musical instrument used in the Middle East and North Africa. Its name was derived from the Arabic word عُوْد ‘a piece of wood’ as it is made of wood. Although it is an ancient instrument, it is still very popular in many countries. In Yemen, a piece of music wi…

Modern Religious Ideologies in the Arab World

What are modern religious ideologies in the Arab World? Most Arabs define being an Arab as one who speaks Arabic and views the history of Arabs as an integral part of his/her cultural identity. Arabs are predominantly Muslims, but they have different religious ideologies. This difference is primarily due to power struggle which led during the early days of Islam to rebellious m…

saltah سَلْتَة: Yemen’s National Dish

Yemen national dish is without a doubt salta سَلْتَه. Other popular dishes in Yemen are Bint aS-SaHn بِنْت الصَّحْن , sousi سُوْسِي , and shafoot / shafout شَفُوْت. These dishes are peculiar to Yemen. While the others are popular on special days and occasions, Yemenis eat salta every day. They always eat it as the main dish for lunch. What is the origin of the word salta سَل…
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