الْحَيَّةُ الْبَيْضَاءُ

الْحَيَّةُ الْبَيْضَاءُ This story has been taken from Brothers Grimm’s Folk Tale Collections. To make it more interesting, we have elaborated upon it in order to depict the hero’s emotions  and give it more meaning and humanity. For every behavior of his, we gave a reason to rid the story of ambiguity and simplicity that is common in folktales. The story is meant for learners…

بَطـــَــلُ أَثِينـــَــا

بَطـــَــلُ أَثِينـــَــا This is an Arabic short story for foreigners / for non-Arabs. It is taken from a series of long stories which Kamil Kilani wrote. The original text is in more advanced Arabic. This version has been abridged and simplified to be suitable for learners of Arabic as a foreign language.  قَبْلَ آلَافِ السِّنِينِ، وُلِدَ بَطَلُ أَثِينَا. عَاشَ بَطَلُ أَث…

التَّاجِرُ مَرْمَرُ

التَّاجِرُ مَرْمَرُ This Arabic story is for learners of Arabic as an additional language. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an Egyptian writer and a poet. The original text was written for native speakers of Arabic. To make it suitable for learners of Arabic as an additional language, we have abridged it, rephrased it in an elegant, flowing, and less complicate…

الْأَمِيرُ الْحَادِي وَالْخَمْسُونَ

َالْأَمِيرُ الْحَادِي وَالْخَمْسُون This is an Arabic short story for beginners, namely for non-Arabs. It is taken from a series of long stories which Kamil Kilani wrote. The original text is in more advanced Arabic. This Arabic short story for beginners has been abridged and simplified to be suitable for learners of Arabic as a foreign language. فِي قَدِيمِ الزَّمَانِ، كَا…

الْأَمِيــْــرَةُ الْقَاسِيــَــةُ

الْأَمِيــــرَةُ الْقَاسِيــَــةُ This is an Arabic short story for foreigners / for non-Arabs. It is taken from a series of long stories which Kamil Kilani wrote. The original text is in more advanced Arabic. This version has been abridged and simplified to be suitable for learners of Arabic as a foreign language. فِي مَمْلَكَةٍ هِنْدِيَّةٍ قَدِيمَةٍ، عَاشَ أَمِيرٌ صَغِيرٌ…

الفلَّاحُ الْمَظْلُومُ

الفلَّاحُ الْمَظْلُومُ This is an Arabic short story for beginners, namely for non-Arabs. It is taken from a book entitled The Legends of Nations. This book is written by Quadri Qualaji. The original text is in more advanced Arabic. This Arabic short story for beginners has been abridged and simplified to be suitable for learners of Arabic as a foreign language. فِي أَحَدِ …

فِي غَابَةِ الشَّيَطَانِ

فِي غَابَةِ الشَّيَطَانِ This Arabic story is for learners of Arabic as an additional language. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an Egyptian writer and a poet. The original text was written for native speakers of Arabic. To make it suitable for learners of Arabic as an additional language, we have abridged it, rephrased it in an elegant, flowing, and less compl…

حِذَاءُ الْبَخِيلِ

حِذَاءُ الْبَخِيلِ This Arabic story is for learners of Arabic as an additional language. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an Egyptian writer and a poet. The original text was written for native speakers of Arabic. To make it suitable for learners of Arabic as an additional language, we have abridged it, rephrased it in an elegant, flowing, and less complicated…
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