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حِذَاءُ الْبَخِيلِ

حِذَاءُ الْبَخِيلِ This Arabic story is for learners of Arabic as an additional language. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an Egyptian writer and a poet. The original text was written for native speakers of Arabic. To make it suitable for learners of Arabic as an additional language, we have abridged it, rephrased it in an elegant, flowing, and less complicated…

الزندقة في العصر العباسي

الزندقة في العصر العباسي هاجر منصور سراج 28 سبتمبر، 2024 نادى الإسلام إلى المساواة بين المسلمين وترك العصبيات القبلية، وإلغاء التأصيل والنسب، والدعوة إلى تساوي الناس في الحقوق والوجبات، فخفتت العصبية حينًا من الزمن لكنها ما لبثت أن عادت في عصر الدولة الأموية متمثلةً في تباهي العرب بأنسابهم وأحسابهم، وأبرز مثالٍ على هذا هو شعر النقائض الذي ازدهر في سوق المربد في البصرة. و…


مَـــاءٌ هاجر منصور سراج  1 أكتوبر، 2024 نَلُوذُ إلى الظلمة التي لا تنقشع                                                 نتكوَّر                                                                                 مجرَّةً لا حياةَ فيها.   نبض الرحمة خافتٌ مستعرٌ نلوذ من الضوء... كاشف الألم متباين الألوان في الظلمة نُرخي ستار الذنوب ونستشعر لذة الجريمة في ثنايا أسماله…

الشَّيْخُ الْهِنْدِيُّ

الشَّيْخُ الْهِنْدِيُّ This Arabic story is for learners of Arabic as an additional language. We took it from a book written by Kamil Keilany, an Egyptian writer and a poet. The original text was written for native speakers of Arabic. To make it suitable for learners of Arabic as an additional language, we have abridged it, rephrased it in an elegant, flowing, and less complic…


قرار يرتعش الجهاز الأبيض الصغير المشؤوم بين يديها بينا تختلس أذناها السمع لكل حركةٍ في محيطها. وفي توترها ذاك، تبدو أصوات السيارات زعيقًا، وأصوات الأطفال الضاحكة عويلًا، وبائع الفواكه الذي يهتف أن الكيلو التفاح بمائة ريال يفزعها ويضاعف ارتباكها وارتجافها. ظهر الخطَّان أخيرًا، وشعرت معهما بحياتها تنسحب رداءً حريرًا مهلهلًا من على جسدها المتعب وتتكوم على الأرض حول ساقيها ثم تت…

What is taa marbuta?

What is taa marbuta? What is taa marbuta? taa marbuta is the taa that always occurs at the end of certain nouns and adjectives. If connected to the preceding letter, it is written like this ـة, as in سَاعَة ‘watch’, فَاطِمَة ‘Fatima (name)’, and خَيْمَة ‘tent.’ If it occurs after one of the letters that do not connect to the following letter (i.e. ا, د, ذ, ر, ز,و) , it is writ…
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Latest Tests

Reading Comprehension Test (41)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (41) Read the Story أُغْنِيَةُ الْعَظْمَةِ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (40)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (40) Read the Story الْحَيَّةُ الْبَيْضَاءُ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (39)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (39) Read the Story التَّاجِرُ مَرْمَرُ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (38)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (38) Read the Story الشَّيْخُ الْهِنْدِيُّ and answer the following questions.

Latest E-books & Handouts

Ibnulyemen Arabic Attached Pronouns

Attached pronouns in Arabic are the pronouns that we attach to verbs, nouns, prepositions, or particles. Generally speaking, pronouns in Arabic are separate, attached, or implicit (i.e. implied or not overt). The separate pronouns  in Arabic are similar to the subject pronouns found in most world languages in addition to the dual and feminine forms that exist in Arabic. As for …

Ibnulyemen Arabic Alphabet and Cursive Writing

Arabic is a right-to-left cursive language. This short e-book "Ibnulyemen Arabic Alphabet and Cursive Writing" typographically shows how the Arabic letters are connected to to form words. There are twenty-eight letters in Arabic. Each letter has four shapes: at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word, and in isolation. This, as a result, see…

Ibnulyemen Arabic Short Stories for Non-natives

This is a short e-book of eleven short stories written in simplified Arabic. The original versions of these stories were written by Kamel Kilani and Mohammed Al-Abrashi, both Egyptian writers. They are fairly long and meant for native speakers of Arabic. The wording and structures of these stories have been tweaked and simplified to make them suitable for (advanced) beginner le…

Attached Pronouns

Attached pronouns in Arabic are pronominal suffixes; for each separate pronoun there is a corresponding attached pronoun. These pronominal suffixes are are attached to nouns, prepositions, and verbs. With nouns, they function as possessive pronouns. With preposition, they function as object of prepositions. With verbs, they function as either subjects or objects.  In the table …