
Diacritics in Arabic (3)

Diacritics in Arabic (3) Diacritics in Arabic determines word meanings. In the previous lesson, you learned about the shape of…

6 years ago

Diacritics in Arabic (2)

Diacritics in Arabic (2) In the previous lesson, you learned that Arabic certainly has vowels, but they are not written,…

6 years ago

Diacritics in Arabic (1)

Diacritics in Arabic (1) Is there a word in English without a vowel? No. Linguistically, there cannot be a word/syllable…

6 years ago

Transliteration of Arabic Letters

Transliteration of Arabic Letters Translation of Arabic letters is not recommended. However, in the initial stages of learning, using transliteration…

6 years ago

Yemeni Music: A Taste of It

Yemeni music is mostly oud-based. This post gives a taste of Yemeni and Arabic oud music. العُوْد ‘the oud’ is…

6 years ago

The Arabic Alphabet (1)

The Arabic Alphabet (1) There are twenty-eight letters in the Arabic Alphabet. All of these letters are consonants. Two of…

6 years ago