Arabic Story Reading Comprehension Test

Reading Comprehension Test (35)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (35) Read the Story مَاكْبِث and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (34)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (34) Read the Story الْمَلِكُ عَجِيبٌ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (33)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (33) Read the Story تَاجِرُ بَغْدَادَ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (32)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (32) Read the Story بِنْتُ الصَّبَّاغ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (31)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (31) Read the Story الْعُلْبَةُ الْمَسْحُورَةُ and answer the following questions.

Reading Comprehension Test (30)

Arabic Reading Comprehension Test (30) Read the Story عُمَارَةُ and answer the following questions.
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